
Limited Availability

PōwerBōx (Only)
Power your ōPik with this small proprietary power supply—the same size and shape as a standard effects pedal. This unit plugs into your guitar with a standard TRS cable, to the amp with a TS cable, and to an outlet.

PōwerBōx dimensions: length: 4 3/8" width: 2 3/8" depth: 1 1/4". That's 111mm x 60mm x 32mm for metric devotees. And yes, it is smaller than a bread box.

Power supplied: 150 milliamps at 9 volts. Cables: one 1/4" TRS audio cable from guitar to box and one 1/4" TS audio cable to amplifier.

Other details: Not waterproof. Not fireproof. Do not feed to your pet shark.

* Please note that the ultimate appearance of the PōwerBōx may change, as it is in the final phases of production.
